v6.0.0 [Mar 4, 2012]
- Internal changes
- "Easy Profiling" add-on
- Other enhancements.
v5.6.0 [Apr 7, 2013]
XHTML, DITA topic, DocBook configurations: right-clicking on an image now displays a contextual menu starting with "Set Image" and "Copy Image". The first menu item invokes the same command as the one invoked by double-clicking on an image or dropping a file onto an image. The second menu item copies the selected image to the clipboard.
When they are used to select an image file (for example, when invoked by the aforementioned "Set Image" menu item), the file chooser and URL chooser dialog boxes now have an image preview facility. Note that this does not apply to the native file chooser dialog box, which generally has its own image preview facility.
New implementation, simpler, more efficient and hopefully more robust, of the adapter between XXE and the system clipboard.
Known problems
When an external application changes the contents of the clipboard, XXE may fail to detect this change. In such case, the workaround is to change the editing context of XXE, for example, by moving the caret to another XML node.
XXE almost always fails to detect clipboard changes initiated by external applications on the following platforms: Linux/JavaTM 1.7, Mac OS X/Java 1.6. XXE almost always succeeds in detecting clipboard changes initiated by external applications on the following platforms: Linux/Java 1.6, Windows/Java 1.7.
Linux only: copying text or images from XXE to OpenOffice/LibreOffice works fine but the opposite operation often hangs XXE (or at best makes it very, very, slow). The workaround to unblock XXE is to copy a piece of text to the clipboard using any application other than OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
Linux only: copying images from XXE to the Gimp works fine but the opposite operation will not work.
The XHTML, DITA Topic and DocBook menus now have a submenu called "Paste As". This submenu has a number of entries allowing to paste the image copied to the system clipboard as an element. For example, the XHTML "Paste As" submenu has menu entries allowing to paste the image as elements img, div (containing an img) or figure (XHTML5 only).
In the preceding releases of XXE, this submenu was called "Paste After As" and only allowed to paste the plain text copied to the system clipboard as elements.
The Clipboard tool found at the bottom/right of XXE main window can now display the image copied to the clipboard.
The aforementioned menu entries "Copy Image", "Paste As", are implemented using new public, documented, commands: copyImage, pasteImageAs.
Added an "Insert media object" button to the DITA Topic tool bar. This button displays a menu allowing to add a number of “media objects” (audio, video, flash, action, etc) to a topic. The “media objects” created this way are intended to be processed by XMLmind DITA Converter v2.4+ (see below). More information in Rich media content.
Reorganized XMLmind XML Editor - Developer's Guide. Added an new part to this guide explaining how to integrate a customized XXE into your JavaTM application (CMS front-end, specialized IDE, etc).
Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 2.4.0_01, which allows to generate HTML5 pages, HTML5 Web Help and EPUB3.
Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 4.8.1.
Upgraded Saxon to version
Upgraded the DocBook XSL stylesheets to version 1.78.1.
Bug fixes:
All XHTML5 document templates now start with .
An XHTML5 file saved by XXE no longer has unneeded namespace prefix declarations (e.g. xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML") added to its root html element.
SVG and MathML elements found in an XHTML5 document are now saved using their default namespaces (i.e. and ). In the previous releases, this was not the case and modern Web browsers operating in HTML mode failed to render the SVG and MathML elements. (In the previous releases, the workaround for this issue was to force the modern Web browser to operate in XHTML mode by using a .xhtml suffix in the name of the document.)
When a .html file was opened in XXE, right-clicking on a link and then selecting "Follow Link" in the contextual menu didn't work when the link target was found in a .shtml file.
Installing a version of XXE somewhere (e.g. in /usr/local/xxe/), using it for some time, uninstalling it and then reinstalling the same version elsewhere (e.g. in /opt/xxe/) caused XXE to report many configuration errors during its startup. Moreover, XXE's window was generally blank, making the application completely unusable.
This problem still happens with v5.6, however it will automatically disappear the second time you'll start XXE.
v5.4.1 [Nov 20, 2012]
-Hunspell, the spell checker used by a number of major open source and proprietary software, is now available as an alternative to XMLmind Spell Checker.
-Several other, minor yet useful, enhancements.
v5.2.1 [Mar 22, 2012]
- Easy Selection Mode
- Sort table rows
- Preview converted document
- Robust, self-contained, W3C XML Schema
- New CSS stylesheets - When the "Emulate Web Browser" stylesheet has been selected, XXE will dynamically apply to the styled view all the CSS styles found in style attributes, style elements and link elements pointing to CSS stylesheets.
- New XSLT 2 stylesheets allow to convert XHTML 1.0, 1.1 and 5.0 documents to PostScript, PDF, RTF, WordprocessingML, Office Open XML (.docx) and OpenOffice (.odt). By default, the CSS styles specified in XHTML style attributes, style and link elements also apply to the XSL-FO file generated by these XSLT 2 stylesheets.
v4.9.1 [Apr 20, 2011]
- The Convert and Convert [wrap] commands now support element templates. For example, it's now possible to define custom template span(highlight) in order to be able to convert the text selection to a span element having attribute class="highlight".
- Note that when Convert and Convert [wrap] are passed an element template parameter, these commands copy the attributes of the element template and ignore its child nodes.
- Added support for XHTML 1.1. This document type is similar to XHTML 1.0 Strict, just slightly simpler and cleaner. However, like XHTML 1.0 Transitional, it makes it possible specifying attribute target on the a element.
- XHTML files are now saved differently than in previous releases
- Added an "Add img" button to the XHTML toolbar.
- Added to "Move Up" and "Move Down" menu items to the XHTML menu and to the DITA Topic menu.
- The XHTML|Preview menu item now lets you preview in your Web browser the document being edited. In previous releases, the Preview command created a slightly modified copy of the document being edited. This copy did not allow to check whether the Web browser was in Quirks Mode or in Standards Mode. That is, the preview was not really accurate.
- Added an "Add pre" button to the XHTML and DITA Topic toolbars. Added an "Add programlisting" button to the DocBook toolbar.
- Added a "Use the ID of the root element of the document" button to the "Add" dialog box displayed by the "DocBook|Set up olinks" dialog box.
- Using the ID of the root element as the symbolic name of an “olinked document” is a common practice. However, before clicking this button, make sure that this practice is actually used in your organization.
- Improved the way XInclude elements are generated when option "Allow advanced used of XIncludes" (Options|Preferences, Edit section) is turned on.
It is a designed for authoring, exploring, checking or validating XML docs.
View XML well structured and clearly, modification is made easy by various editing features.
Creates simple or complex equations and math expressions for Web applications.